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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cebu bus transit project phase I budget pegged at $185 Million | Sun.Star

Cebu Bust Rapid Transit (Cebu BRT) system is now cooking. It is anticipated to improve the transportation system in Cebu while providing employment opportunities for the people.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a public transport system that uses buses in order to provide a faster and more efficient service than that of the ordinary bus line or other mode of transportation. This is done through improving the vehicles, existing infrastructure and the scheduling of trips and stops.

The goal of the Bus Rapid Transit system or BRT is to have the quality of a rail transportation system, but with the savings and flexibility of a bus transit system retained.

(Source: Wikipedia)

The Cebu BRT system promises to decongest traffic in the Metro and will hopefully bring other benefits.  The other benefits of the Bus Rapid Transit System in Cebu will be found in this article on the Inquirer:

Another article on SunStar Daily describes the cost and the other details of the Bus Rapid System in Metro Cebu, Philppines:

See related story on Cebu's Bus Rapid System on Wikipedia:


An artist's impression of the Cebu Bus Rapid Transit system. Photo credits: Wikipedia

The potential network of the proposed Bus Rapid Transit system in Cebu:

Bus Rapid Transit system in Cebu (Cebu BRT) Potential Network. Photo courtesy: Wikipedia

Other related stories:
  1.  When BRT buses replace jeepneys in key Cebu city routes, what happens to the drivers?
  2. E-power suggested for Cebu’s Bus Rapid Transit
  3. Politics won’t hamper BRT: Rama
  4. related forum on Cebu's BRT
  5. Photos of other Bus Rapid Transit systems across the world
Other related articles:
  1. What is Bus Rapid Transit?
  2. Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making

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